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华盛顿街700、720号. SW
安伯勒约翰斯顿大厅, which has an east wing and west wing connected by lounge and common space, is on Washington Street, adjacent to the West End Market dining facility and 卡塞尔竞技场.

安伯勒约翰斯顿大厅 is a residence hall that consists of two wings connected by three cross-over lounges. 

东安布尔约翰斯顿, commonly referred to as East AJ, is 首页 to more than 300 University Honors students living in the Honors Residential Commons. The Honors Residential Commons is a community of faculty, 工作人员, and students who share a deep intellectual curiosity. 

This program offers freshman through senior-level university honors students and graduate students an interdisciplinary opportunity to capitalize on the rich history and tradition of 弗吉尼亚理工大学 while living and learning with faculty and students in a unique and intentional environment. It is led by two live-in faculty principals and supported by more than 30 faculty, 工作人员, 社区成员.

West Ambler Johnston, commonly referred to as West AJ, is 首页 to the Residential College at West Ambler Johnston, a community of 830 students ranging from first-year to graduate students from all academic disciplines. 

The Residential College at West Ambler Johnston consists of four "houses" of roughly 200 students, each led by a faculty member called an associate principal, a live-in graduate student called a graduate fellow and two undergraduate student leaders called resident advisors.

J. Ambler Johnston

J. Ambler Johnston

安伯勒约翰斯顿大厅 was named in 1968 for 1904 alumnus James Markham Ambler Johnston, a lifetime supporter of his alma mater, president of the 校友 Association, and co-founder of Carneal and Johnston, an architectural-engineering firm that designed many of the Collegiate Gothic buildings on campus. A Civil War authority, he helped purchase battlefields around Richmond, Va., and initiated the first cast-iron markers to identify points of interest on battlefields. He received numerous awards for preserving historic sites in Virginia.


The original construction started in 1967, the building was partly occupied in fall 1968, and it was completely occupied in 1969. 

A J / 032
37.22311, -80.42105